€4.00 - €12.00

€4.00 - €12.00

Mandatory Signs: Your Guide to Safe Behavior

Mandatory signs are an important category of safety signs that tell workers a specific behavior to adopt or a condition to respect in a certain place or situation. These signs are essential to ensure safety and efficiency in work environments, preventing accidents and dangerous situations.

Characteristics of Mandatory Signs:

  • Shape: Mandatory signs are generally circular in shape, with a red border and a black symbol in the center.
  • Color: The background of the sign is blue, while the symbol and border are black.
  • Symbols: The symbols used in mandatory signs are unique and easily recognizable, clearly representing the behavior to be adopted or the condition to be respected.
  • Writings: In some cases, mandatory signs may include explanatory writings that further specify the required behavior.

Types of Mandatory Signs Mandatory:

There are different types of mandatory signs, each with a specific meaning:

  • Mandatory direction: They indicate the direction that must be followed.
  • Permitted directions: They indicate the directions that can be followed.
  • Mandatory passage: They indicate the mandatory route to follow to cross an area.
  • Permitted passages: They indicate the permitted routes to cross an area.
  • Roundabout: They indicate the presence of a roundabout and the need to follow the anti-clockwise direction of travel.
  • Minimum speed limit: They indicate the minimum speed at which it is permitted to travel in a given stretch of road. road.
  • Mandatory snow chains: Indicate the obligation to fit snow chains in order to drive on a certain stretch of road.
  • Reserved circulation: Indicate that circulation is reserved for certain categories of users, such as pedestrians, cyclists or authorised vehicles.