€6.00 - €13.00

€6.00 - €13.00

Road Signs: Your Guide to Safe and Aware Driving

Road signs are a visual language that is essential for the safety and efficiency of road traffic. They provide road users with the information they need to move correctly, safely and consciously, helping to prevent accidents and reduce risks.

Types of Road Signs:

Road signs are divided into different categories, each with specific characteristics and functions:

Vertical Signs:

  • Danger Signs: They warn road users of the presence of an imminent danger, such as dangerous curves, intersections, pedestrian crossings or roadworks. They are generally triangular in shape, with a black border and symbol and a yellow background.
  • Prescription signs: They oblige road users to adopt a certain behavior, such as giving way, stopping or reducing speed. They are generally circular in shape, with a red border and a black symbol on a white or blue background.
  • Prohibition signs: They prohibit road users from carrying out certain actions, such as overtaking, turning or parking. They are generally circular in shape, with a red border and a black symbol on a white background.
  • Indicator signs: They provide road users with useful information for navigation, such as directions, locations, distances and services. They can be of different shapes and colors, with symbols and explanatory writing.
  • Supplementary signs: They complete the information provided by other signs, such as direction arrows, distance indications or street name panels. They are generally rectangular or square in shape, with a white or blue background and black writing.