Marina Bongiorno: Between Innovation and Global Success

A Volcanic Entrepreneur

Marina Bongiorno, a dynamic entrepreneur, loves to turn words into action, staying true to herself and her motto: "Keep up with progress. Always." Thus, the businesswoman triumphantly announced that she has struck a deal with the Chinese giant Alibaba - the world's most famous e-commerce platform - for the sale of work shoes.

"We are delighted that our products have been chosen to join a group of this magnitude: this achievement is the fuel that will spur us on to do even better in the profession we love. We are certain it will translate into a major opportunity."

From Curno to China, to keep the name of Made in Italy (as well as Bergamo entrepreneurship) high around the Planet: after all, a recent study by a renowned marketing agency based in London has shown that Bongiorno Antinfortunistica ranks fifty-sixth among work clothing and footwear companies in the Old Continent.

A Milestone Achieved Through Experience

A milestone achieved thanks to thirty years of experience in the sale and production of footwear, clothing, and accessories tailored to the specifics of every profession.

Keyword: quality. Always one of the pillars of the company based on Via Fermi, which constantly invests in research and development of innovative, safe products, and perennially in step with the global market. Unfazed even by the crisis: in response, Bongiorno guarantees its customers 24-hour shipping and delivery, and has recently created BWORK, an app to reach users scattered around the world.

Article by Marina Bongiorno

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