REFERENCE 1113 Categoria Reintegrate



€0.73 IVA incl.
DRY ICE A Class II A medical device (non-sterile) that provides an effective solution for various medical emergency cases. Product description: Mixture of nitrate salts and water, in a bag with a temperature range between -9°C/-10°C. Compliant with the requirements of Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 and subsequent amendments/integrations. The DRY ICE is particularly suitable for situations where cryotherapy is necessary, as a treatment to relieve pain and prevent the formation of hematomas, swellings, etc. Safety information: The DRY ICE is a single-use medical device. Therefore, it should not be reused. Purchase and point of sale: You can also purchase this product at our point of sale at Via Enrico Fermi 10 in Curno in the province of Bergamo. POINT OF SALE

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